Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy 2 month!!!!!!!!!!!

Look who's 2 months old!!

Yep,yep!! Malina is 2 months old now. SInce Feburary doesn't have 30 days we decided to celebrate her 2 month on the 28th, the last day of the month.

This was a fun month! Malina has started to change soooooooo much. She is starting to coo and make lots of adorable noises. It is really cute to hear her. She has also started to smile a lot. We've even managed to catch some pics of her beautiful smile, (see her first month pics).

Malina visited both mommy and daddy's work. She had fun meeting all of daddys co-workers and walking around the outlets. At mommy's work she enjoyed meeting all the teachers and especially seeing all the kids. She didn't like being in her stroller because she couldn't see the kids, so mommy carried her. All of the kids loved that because they could see her better. Malina was really good at both mommy and daddys work, she already can't wait to go back.

We are soooo happy with how far Malina has come. Her sleeping, eating, and pooping have defintely changed for the better and we can't wait to see what she has in store for us this next month. Hopefully everything will ONLY get easier...haha.

Check out pics from Malina's first month:) Click the picture below
Feb10 Malina's first month

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 month appointment

I am soooooo glad today is over. I was dreading Malina getting her shots. I woke up with a horrible stomachache and all I could think about was her being in pain:(.Her first shots were in the nicu, so we didn't get to experience them with her.

I must say Malina did AWESOME! As expected she cried but only for a brief second once the shot was in. Daddy had to hold her:)because mommy was tooo scared. Mommy took pics during the shots, so she was distracted and didn't have time to cry. After the shots Malina was really good all day. She slept the majority of the day. She woke up to eat throughout the day, then about 6 she woke up in a GREAT mood!! She played with mommy and daddy for awhile.

Overall, her appointment was good. Our lil Malina is definitely growing. She is completely out of newborn clothes and into 0 -3 months. I am happy about that because now she can wear outfits not just pajamas....haha. At her appointment today she weighed 10lbs 13 oz which is great but I thought she weighs more. The doctor had her do tummy time and said she has good neck control.Now as I type I have Malina snoring in her bassinet on my right and Carey on my left snoring.I guess that's my cue to join them.....hahaha. Stay tuned for all her 1st month pictures.................

Sunday, February 21, 2010


3 CHEERS for Malina!!! Malina is starting to get into a routine:), or so we think. She's been doing wonderful with her eating, sleeping, and pooping.

SLEEPING. Malina is FINALLY starting to go to sleep between 8 and 9. Since she's been born we've tried putting her down at that time and at 11 we were still trying, but NOT lately. Sometimes she will fight her sleep and cry for a few minutes but luckily she has been falling asleep by 9. She has started to wake up every 4 to 5hours to eat at night. That makes both mommy and daddy happy especially since they feel much more rested each day.The first night mommy got worried. It had been 4 hours and usually Malina was already up and ready to eat. So, I put my hand on her to make sure she was breathing, she definitely was. I went back to bed and the next hour she woke up ready to eat. I figured she was just really tired. I fed her, put her back to bed and again she slept for 5 hours.I was sooooooooooo excited I woke up and just couldn't believe it. This has been happening for a few nights now. I am NOT complaining, but expect that anytime this great sleeping routine will change.

EATING. We were happy about 4 ounces now we are ECSTATIC about 6 ounces. She started drinking 6 oz every so often. Now, she consistently drinks 6 oz at a couple of her feedings. Her last feeding between 7 and 8 is 6 oz for sure. Yesterday, I went and bought BIGGER bottles, so now it's easier to feed her 6 oz at once rather than 4 oz than getting another bottle of 2 oz.

POOPING. In the last month as Malina started to drink more formula her tummy started to act up. This last week she went to strictly formula and had a few rough days of belly aches and a little constipation. These last few days she has started to POOP regularly and is much happier, therefore, we are ALL much happier.

All in all, this has been a GREAT few days and we are hoping we can say the same come next week but who know..................STAY TUNED!!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Half way to two months!!

Busy,busy,busy!!! Malina has kept us busy! This past week there has been many firsts for Malina. She started eating 4oz. consistently which is alot for our little girl who used to like to eat an ounce here and an ounce there. On Friday, she actually ate 5oz and on Valentine's Day she ate her record high of 6oz in one feeding. Mommy and daddy get soooo excited when she eats really good. This week she also discovered her fingers. She started sucking on her fist and fingers.

Wednesday, 2-10 was Lola's birthday, so on Friday,2-12 mommy, daddy, uncle Michael and lolo took Malina to the cemetery to see lola for the first time. Afterwards we all went and ate at Applebee's. Applebee's was Malina's first restaurant she visited. She did pretty good. As soon as mommy's food got there she woke up and was ready to eat...LOL. We took turns feeding her and overall she did good. She did become a little restless right when the check came, so her timing was great..haha.

Saturday, 2-13 Malina and mommy went to Aviva's 3rd birthday party.I realized it's really hard to take her to parties on my own. Of course, right when I was about to eat Malina woke up and was hungry. Luckily, Candice fed Malina so mommy could get a bite in. I think she does not want mommy to you see the pattern?

Sunday, 2-14 Malina celebrated her FIRST Valentine's Day! She started the day going to church. At church she saw her friend Maddie and Uncle Max, Auntie Elaine,Uncle Gabe and Auntie Margie. After church Malina went home to play with tata and Uncle Michael while mommy and daddy wnet on a date. That was Malina's FIRST time being babysat. Of course, she did great playing and sleeping. For dinner, Mommy,Daddy,Malina and Lolo went to Cheeburger Cheeburger. Malina slept the entire time. After dinner we stopped by Inays to drop off a Valentine. Malina ate and visited with Inay, her Aunties and her cousin Mason. She had a wonderful FIRST Valentine's day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Malina had a busy weekend! Saturday she spent the day celebrating her cousin Mason's first birthday! She had a great time :)! Mason is good with her he kisses her, but he doesn't like to share his mommy,grandma, lola,nina or aunties with her. He got mad when his Nina was holding Malina he wouldn't even look in his Ninas direction. Malina had no clue, she traveled from arm to arm and even got to sleep in Mason's bouncer. She was glad to see her Aunties and Uncles again and meet sooooo much more of her family. Malina did not like that Mason got to eat a cake all by himself that's why she is crying in the picture...hahaha. That night we were lucky she came home and still slept pretty good.

Sunday she went to the Dirs to sleep through the Superbowl. She woke up to Kenzi looking at her or trying to pull off her Kenzi is so cute with her. She likes to kiss her or pull of her shoes..haha. Malina was a good girl, sleeping most of the time. That night we payed for her good sleep at both parties. She woke up every hour or so ready to play! Needless to say, we had a ROUGH and LONG night Sunday! Sorry daddy .... since he had to work on Monday!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Got Sleep??

Malina has had a few rough days here and there this last week. Sunday, she had a very rough evening. Uncle Ron, Auntie Heather and Mason got to see a different side of Malina. She was very fussy and just not very happy. Heather and I left for a few minutes, when we returned Malina had exploded (with poo) on her daddy. Mason had also taken out every toy possible and spread them across the house. It was very funny having the living room in chaos. Monday, Malina still wasn't her usual self so we took her to the doctor. She was a little constipated so that was causing her fussiness. Also, the doctor said she could be colic if the fussiness continues. Luckily, she still has her "malina moments" but overall her fussiness has stopped. So , Malina must have been so unhappy because of her tummy and just because she is Malina....haahhaa Also, Malina now weighs 9lbs 5oz, so that could be why she is so unhappy because of her constant growth spurts.

Look who's 1 month old

Saturday, January 30th Malina turned one month old!! We can't believe how quickly the month came and went. Malina has changed so much in this month. She is now starting to stay awake longer. She has gotten better when getting her diaper changed, she rarely screams now. She also enjoys her bath time now and does not scream nor cry at that time. She still is very short tempered and gets angry VERY quickly. She is definitely a mini Carey. We have enjoyed every moment of her 1st month now we look forward to the next month. To celebrated her first month I made some cupcakes with a 1 to symbolize her first month. Tata and Michael came by that day to visit and play with Malina. Malina also met Uncle Elvin, Auntie Leri and Cyan later that evening.