Monday, September 13, 2010

Where's our little baby??!!??

Malina is changing way too quickly!! EVERYDAY she does something new. Last week we left her for 3 nights (wahhhh) with Nana and Grandpa while we went to "play" in Vegas for my birthday. I swear in those 3 days she changed so much...haha.

Her 3rd tooth is officially out:). No top teeth yet, but the 4th bottom is now popping out. She loves to use those teeth. She is constantly chewing on everything. Last week I found teeth marks in her crib:(. Thankfully, cousin Mason gave her his railing cover, so now she can't chew on the wood...heheh.
She is also standing very good. She isn't very interested in her toys anymore, she'd rather just walk along the couches. She gets up and then moves side to side, it's quite funny! I also caught her doing laps in her crib holding onto the wood..LOL.

She's had a lil cold off and on. She gets pretty mad when she is stuffed up. She HATES to cough. Her little cough is really cute but I feel bad because she cries when she coughs. Thankfully each time she's been sick there's only been ONE bad day and it's usually or Friday or Saturday night..haha It's like she knows I'll be off the next day. This last Saturday she was soooo uncomfortable and would NOT sleep. Finally after getting up like 5 times in an hour I put her in bed with us. She slept sooo good:). We were both scared the whole night to roll on her. Let me tell u that will not happen often. This girl is ALL OVER. I had her hand on me, then her feet , and finally her butt....needless to say she was back in her crib the next night:).
Yesterday, she started getting on her knees and crawling. She's been rocking back and forth awhile but she finally started crawling. She still goes back and forth with a crawl and a the army crawl, so we'll see what she decides to do..hahahaa.
EVERYDAY she gets much more fun. She definitely keeps us busy and on our toes. We can't wait to see what else she has in store:).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8 months old

CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY!!! malina turned 8 months last week and I barely got a second to sit down and update her blog. Daddy's bithday was right after, then Lola's death anniversary, then mommy's birthday. Needless to say, we've been going, going, going since last week.
Malina is doing GREAT!! the lil munchkin is not missing anything. She's started to hold her own bottle (when she wants), rocking back and forth and army crawling a lot and CHEWING her crib:(. Yes, she is is part chipmunk. I looked at her cribn and was stunned to see some of the wood gone. I guess that's out pay back for lowering her crib...haha. We already need to put it all the way down because the lil monkey is still standing up. Of course she has lots of rrom, but still makes us nervous.
Overall, Malina is doing fantastic. If only she would consistently eat, then i'd be super happy. I did start giving her snacks and of course she loves them. I think she's gonna be a snacker like momma:)
Enjoy her 7th month pictures!! Click below to view.

Aug 10 Malina's 7th month