Christmas Eve (evening) we went to Inays. It was so great for Malina to see a lot of the family. It had been a while since she was able to see all her cousins. Everyone just hung out, chatted, and watched the kids play. Then, after dinner we went to go see Christmas lights. We got out and walked around the neighborhood (where the lights were). Malina and Mason really enjoyed the lights. They were both really cute looking at the lights. When we returned to Inays all of the kids opened gifts. That was fuuunn!! Too see all of their lil faces light up in excitement was priceless. Malina took sooooooo long to open her gifts because she would see part of it and play with that part..LOL. She didn't end up opening all of them because there wasn't enough hours..hahah. that was really cool though to have all the cousins opening at once. Meanwhile, all the parents are quickly trying to video tape and take pictures:).
Tata, Michael, Lolo, Auntie Arlene, Uncle Nicko, Nickolas and Adrian all came by. Malina opened gifts with them and played and played and played some more. We had a really good time just watching basketball and football, eating and chatting.
Malina is really wanting to walk more. Throughout the day she walks a lot now. She walked the length of our living room back and forth with out falling. Most of the time she gets soooo excited that she ends up falling because of the excitement.
We can't wait in a just 3 more days she'll be 1!!