Malina had a fun and exciting week!! At the beginning of the week Malina surprised us with the cutest little giggle EVER!! We kept waiting to hear it again, but of course we never did. Mommy and Malina had fun playing inside because it was very ugly outside. Malina loves playing with her lil play yard where she lays on her back. She especially loves to look at herself in the mirror. She also is enjoying her tummy time surf board.
Malina finally got to have some fun this week..haha. On Thursday (3-4) she got to meet Auntie Emee and Zoee at the mall. Both girls slept a lot at the beginning but then they sure woke up. They had fun looking around the mall. It was funny because Emee and i noticed we went into ALL kids stores. I guess it's more fun to shop for the girls these days..haha Malina already can't wait for her next outing with Zoee.

(3-6)We took Malina to church again. We were very nervous since she's such a cat napper these days, but she did fine. We met Nina Heather,Nino Ron, Mason and Auntie Cora there. Afterwards Mason and Nino Ron and Nina Heather came over. Malina was a lil crabby since her tummy hurt, so we didn't take many pics. Mason had fun taking laps with his mommy and daddy around the house..haha.

We decided to put Malina in her crib in her room. She's been sleping good and moving a lot in the bassinet, so it's time for her "big girl crib"...haha. She did pretty good:). She woke up every 4 hours to eat rather than every 6 like she had been. Other than that she seemed to do fine. Of course I got up every hour to make sure she was still there...haha. So far so good, but we'll see.

Sunday (3-7), Malina got to have her bf Kenzi over for awhile. Nina Natalie and Uncle D took Nev and Jaden to a movie, so Kenzi got to come play with us. She had fun watching Malina. Poor Kenzi tried to play with Malina but realized she's kinda boring, since she doesn't do too much. I'm sure Kenzi can't wait for Malina toget a little older...haha
Malina & Kenzi are so cute...lets see 10 yrs from now what kind of trouble they can get in together...haha