TIME FLIES!!!!! I can't believe my maternity leave is over!! I must say I had a WONDERFUL 3 months with Malina.
Going back to work wasn't as bad as I thought. I was very lucky to have my mom and Carey both wake up with Malina so I could sleep. The first few nights I still woke up and tried to help , but of course I was sent back to sleep. By the third night i slept right through it. Nana Norma send me pics all day long, so that helps when i'm at work. It's great to come home and see Malina's beautiful face. The first days made me a lil sad because she would whine for me when I was home like if I was going to leave her :(, but she has gotten used to it. She has fun with Nana all day.
Malina has started to be VERY active. She moves so much and is constantly "talking". Sometimes it's like she is yelling at all of us. She's very happy natured, but at night she gets cranky. She definitely knows when it's her bed time.
The only downfall to being back to work is all the GERMS!!! My kids have already managed to give me an cold and now the stomach flu (in the same week). Now one by one we are all starting to feel yucky!!As long as Malina feels good it's all good:)
So i guess I'm back to the working world....Time Flies when you are having fun or not...haha!!! Stay tuned....
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