Since daddy had to be at GM conference all week last week Malina and I went to Blythe. We were so anxious to meet the newest member of the family Ralphie (baby R as Cycy calls him). Of course, i was really nervous and refused to drive all that way by myself with Malina, so Uncle Michael came to the rescue. He rode in the back with Malina and did an awesome job. Malina slept a lot of the ride, when she woke up Mj would play with her and make her laugh. Luckily both the ride up and and back she did great!!
We had fun hanging with family and friends in Blythe. We got to meet Ralphie, he's such a cutie!! We stayed with the Almquists, so Malina got to play with Kase, Lena and Kody. One night we had a BBQ at Lisa's and Uncle Richard, Richie, Nana, Tata, Tia Yoyo, Uncle Danny and all the kiddos were there:) It was fun visiting with everyone.
We even squeezed in lunch with Papa and Coco and dinner with Abri,Dorian,Danielle, Maria, Gavin, and Mel. Then we watch game 7 Lakers vs Celtics at the Copple's. Malina finally got to meet Rick, tacy and Khalil and saw lil Rick and Royce again.
Malina slept like a CHAMP:). Of course, Friday, the day we were coming home she decided to sleep in until 9..haha. I guess she didn't want to get on the rode at 9 like planned. We had a fun visit. It was great visiting with everyone:). We were excited to get back to see Carey though. We can't wait to go back to b-town.
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