Our lil munchkin is sick again! Since the middle of this month she's not been feeling to great. Wednesday she started getting some mucus in her eye so I took her to Urgent Care. Of course, she has a cold and her cold has caused the eye mucus :( and ANOTHER ear infection. My poor lil girl. Luckily, she's happy as can be!! You wouldn't be able to tell. I guess that explains why last week she was sooo clingy and whiny....haha...poor lil one was in pain:(. Overall she's doing well she just DOES NOT enjoy taking her medicine.
On top of that her third bottom tooth came through this week. If it's not one thing it's another. Malina has continued to be very vocal and let's us know EXACTLY what she wants..hehe. A few days ago I caught her standing in her crib, so daddy immediately lowered it. Now she lifts the bumper to look through, it's really cute! Also, she has started eating "snacks"...haha. She had some puffs. At first the texture was kinda wierd but she got used to it very quick and now she likes them a lot.
Last week, she got to celebrate Inay's (great grandma) 99th birthday! That was real special. She loves seeing all the family. We even managed to get all the kids together for a pic:). Malina enjoyed playing with all her cousins/bodyguards. Unfortunately, Malina wasn't feeling the best that day and it was a very warm day, so she was a lil fussy. Regardless she had a fun time and was sooo happy to celebrate Inay's 99th birthday!

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