Saturday, May 22, 2010

Almost 5 months

I don't even know where to start...haha. Malina is changing so much everyday. She has started eating oatmeal as well as her rice cereal. At first she wasn't too sure about the oatmeal, but she quickly got used to it. She now eats either rice cereal or oatmeal 3 times a day. At her meal time she eats the rice cereal or oatmeal then still drinks a 6 oz. bottle. This is great because now she actually gets full.

She has also started to "talk/yell". It's the cutest sound ever. On Wednesday she kept talking and she made herself hoarse.I think she likes to hear herself , so she keeps doing it. It's really cute! Now when she gets really excited or is happy she'll's very funny!!

Malina's sleeping has been very inconsistent. Sometimes she is nice to daddy and sleeps through the night, then others she'll wake up once or twice for her paci, others she'll wake up like every few hours. Poor daddy is very tired by the end of the week.

Malina is a very HAPPY baby!! She's been really good with others lately. Last week she was so excited to FINALLY meet her cousin Adrian. Now she can't wait to meet her cousin Nickolas, hopefully she'll bump into him at Lolos soon like she did with Adrian:). On Saturday we spent all day with the Farrages and Dirs. She did great. She played and talked to everyone. She never really got too fussy. Then Sunday we had brunch with Rick and Royce and she did good with both of them. I have noticed that she's good with ANYONE unless she's tired or hungry, then she's not good with anyone....EVEN mommy or daddy...haha

She amazes us each day!!We can't wait to see what's next. 5 month here she comes!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who's watching Malina????

Now that Nana is gone Malina gets to spend LOTS of time with daddy!!! They are having lots of fun together. She makes sure to keep daddy on his toes at all times haha:). They enjoy taking naps together and playing. The other day daddy said they fell asleep together and when he woke up Malina was staring at him:). What a good girl, she let her tired daddy get some rest!!

When daddy has to work Malina either goes with Tata Nick or Auntie Flea until mommy gets off! She has lots of fun with both of them. At Tata Nicks she's a LITTLE spoiled..haha. She's gotten better, but she was always wanting him to hold her. She likes when Uncle Michael and his friends get home from school. She sits and watches them play and enjoys all the attention, of course! When she goes with Auntie Flea she loves to keep her busy as well!! She constantly wants to go outside or walk around. She is also lucky because cousin Mason is there some of the days. She likes to watch Mason play and use all his toys and stuff...hahaha.We are very lucky to have Malina with either Tata or Auntie when mommy and daddy have to work!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

My First of many.......

I am lucky to have such a wonderful hubby and daughter. We had a very fun Mother's Day!! We went to Coronado with the Dir's. We had brunch at Poehe's then we hung out in Coronado:). We rented a surrey and took turns riding it..haha. Nev of course, was the tour guide. He did an awesome job leading us. We took advantage of the semi-nice day.Like always it was fun hanging out with the Dirs.

May, May, May

Some May Visits so far........
(5-1-10 )We finally went to LA and Malina got to meet the Putnams. She was very excited to finally meet them. She had lots of fun playing with Natalie and Matthew.They were both very cute with her. At times, they would see who could get closer to her...LOL:). Malina loved being held by Auntie Ally and making faces at Uncle Aaron...haha. For some reason she would make faces at Ciara :(....I think she was just shocked with how big Ciara has gotten..hhaha. She can't wait to play with the Putnams again!!

(5-4-10) Zoee and Auntie Emee stopped by for a quick visit after work. Malina and Zoee are too cute together. They are a few weeks apart in cuuuuute together!!!
(5-5-10) Nino Eric and Auntie Cec stopped by to say hi!! Malina was so happy to meet Auntie Cec and see Nino Eric again!!!
5-8-10 Malina went to visit Inay (her great grandma) and Auntie's for an early Mother's Day!! She had a great time laying with Inay!! She smiled at Inay a lot:)!! She was very excited to see her Auntie's and of course be held by everyone:):)!! While we were there Inay kept saying how much Malina looks like her daddy!! Inay even called Malina...."Carey". I guess it's true...she looks like her daddy!!! Malina was so happy to to spend time with Inay and her Aunties:)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4 Months old

Yep another month!! Malina is 4 months old!! Time sure is flying by!!! For Malina's 4 month she had to get her shots and then we celebrated.

Her 4 month appointment happened to fall on her4 month birthday! Mommy, daddy, and nana took her to the appointment. Malina has continued to grow. She is in the 50th percentile for her head size and weight (13lbs 14oz) and in the 75th percentile for her length. She grew taller (longer) this month, but not much heavier. We knew she was getting longer because all her 3 months clothes are too short...haha Her jeans are now capris, and her pj's she can't even stretch out in...LOL. Therefore, she is now in 6 months on bottom and pj's. Her tops can still be 3 months, but it just depends.

Right when we walked into the room, malina started to cry. I think she remembered getting her 2 month shots. Then, she was OK until her first shot. She instantly screamed with the first,second and third poke. After she cried a lil more then the first time,but she was ok shortly after. That evening she came down with a fever:(. That same night tylenol and motrin were recalled, so we tried bringing the fever down the "natural" way...haha. Malina didn't get very much sleep that night. About 3 am we brought her to our room and she fell asleep on daddy's chest. She slept for 3 hours like that:). That was the most sleep she got that night/morning. Thankfully by Saturday afternoon she was feeling better.

After Malina's shots Nino Eric came over and hung out for awhile. We hung out ate some mexican food and ate "m" "j" and "4" cookies for Malina's 4 month. Malina had a great 4 month, but she was sad because it was nana Norma's last night in SD.

I still can't believe my baby is 4 months old!! These have been the greatest 4 months!!!

4 month pics